Raspberry:system and strategies of power plants

After many tests and trials of the crop found the perfect recipe fertilizer raspberry Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa is a relatively new variety of autumn raspberries. Directly from the beginning, experts have been monitoring, which showed that Kwanzaa volatile yield and keeping quality of the berries and from the point of view of cultivation, this variety is not the easiest. Retail network appreciate his good looks and taste.

Groups of farmers were consolidated for the project for the exchange of knowledge on best fertilizer for Kwanzaa. The aim of the project was the creation of a specific strategy of supply with minimum leaching of fertilizers into surface water as possible (improving water quality), at that time, as the quality and quantity of berries should continue to be guaranteed high. This goal can be satisfied by continuously adapting the recipe of the fertilizer. Almost all manufacturers of Kwanzaa participated in the project.

Tests for storability

In addition to numerous analyses of vegetable juice, dressing and drainage water, the project tests were carried out on berries storability. All farmers were provided with raspberries separately, which then were compared with each other.

The purpose of these tests was to examine the effect of reducing fertilizers to the shelf-life of berries. Testing has provided much valuable information. Remarkable was the fact that after two tests with an interval of one month harvest of "low quality" will be better maintained during the second test shelf life. This means that the manufacturers have made conclusions after the first test.


Producers who participated in the project, the Kwanza started to use significantly less fertilizer. Mineral nutrition is now better set up to harvest, which leads to a reduction of fertiliser input by 30%. This leads to a lower value of EC during the harvest period. Especially in the case of plants growing in the open ground, in result, increases the quality and ease of harvest. When the leaves contain too many nutrients, the plant strives to protect its leaves from burning and keeps moisture. If the water absorbed by the roots is not enough, it pulls moisture from the berries, as a result, the yield is much less and the berries spoil quickly.

Питание малины

Keeping the value of the EU sheet at the right level, you can collect the raspberries with good appearance and quality. In plants grown in greenhouses, contains an excess of nutrients. At the end of virusesuniversity can even reduce the amount of nutrients in fertilizer. Focusing on a food, can be made from plants "sportsman champion". In result, the plants will be more resistant to pests and diseases and will develop optimally. Too little or too much power will make the plant susceptible to diseases, besides, it bears fruit in moderation and with lower quality berries.

Anna Ustymenko, a member of the Club Sirius Agro Plant

p/s - to be continued

Тип статьи:
в загальному написано добре, але ніякої конкретики по цифрам. Більш конкретно ніхто не хоче писати, по строкам, фазам внесення, кількості добрив в той чи інший період а також по формам внесених добрив.

Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


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