The rules of the site

1. Prohibited any form of insults members of the community or the administration, including obscene usernames and nicknames.

2. Mat is prohibited, including in the implied form.

3. Prohibited public discussion of the administration and its representatives.

4. Project administration reserves the right to modify or amend these rules at any time.

5. In the communication on the website, stick to the rules of grammar and common courtesy. Prohibited deliberate mangling of words, jargon. Avoid unreasonable transition to "you".


Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


Удобрения Mivena (Мивена) купить в интернет-магазине «Sadovnikoff»