About us

Presenting Your attention the project of growing berries in greenhouses based on the technology substrate low-capacity hydroponics.

Modern technologies of growing berries

The project brings together the experience and efforts of three companies:
Sirius agro plant – a company with many years of experience in strawberry cultivation in open and protected ground, as well as leading continuous research in the field of cultivation of strawberries on the basis of technology of substrate-bulky hydroponics and the production of seedlings in vitro.
The aim of the project is to provide farmers with innovative solutions for efficient, highly profitable cultivation of off-season berries and seedlings strawberries in greenhouses and with consideration of climatic features . Feature of the project is its agronomic support at all stages: - Providing a set of practical recommendations for strawberry production; - the Ability to purchase seedlings, substrate, fertilizers and plant protection products; Consulting a qualified agronomist in the on-line mode, as well as recommendations on a profile site Sirius agro plant.

Клубничное поле
Strawberry field

Малиновое поле
The crimson field


Contact Sirius agro plant


Сириус Агро Плант

Телефон: +38 099 439 21 11
web: www.siriusap.com
Email: info@siriusap.com

Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


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