Walnuts for Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan

On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of available local and foreign regional varieties and forms identified for implementation in production in rainfed the conditions of the belt of nut-fruit forests. Provides methods and techniques cultivation of a landing material and creation of highly productive crops walnut. Biologic forms of walnut can divided into early and late immune and not sustainable boleznyam, regular and not regular fruit-bearing, fruitful and productive. There are forms of walnut fruit without pollination, female flowers, etc.

Breeding of walnut was performed by the method simple selection of natural seed population of high-yielding plants with good quality nuts. Up to the present time this method is the main. Almost all varieties of walnut created on the basis of selection of the best forms of seed origin.

In the late 50's years and 60 years in the belt of walnut-fruit forests was created collector's gardens and plantations of local and district varieties and forms walnut. Currently, the plots grow more 15 varieties and forms of walnut, which include local and an alien. By walnut in mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan discovered a wonderful shape, are suitable for enjoys taking in the culture." D. I. Prutenskii and V. Shevchenko (1953-1973 gg.), selected and described over 220 forms of walnut, of which selected 6 varieties: AK-Terek Range, Dessert, Osh, Peaked, Uighur. At selection, special attention was given to early forms. As a seminal and fallopian trees 13 selected early forms of walnut.

All varieties grown in rainfed conditions without carrying out farming.

The local varieties of breeding of V. S. Shevchenko.

"AK-Terek peaked"

Trees grown on the experimental plot and on the collector's-mother plot. The age of the trees on the experimental plot 75, the average trunk diameter — 46 cm, tree height — 17 m, crown — 9x5 M. collectible-uterine plot age of trees 46, the average trunk diameter of 25 cm, height 12 m, crown — 10-9 m. the Leaves are light green, with 2-3 pairs of leaflets, average. Type of flowering — proterogyrinus. Flowering male and female inflorescences begins later, on average, 5-7 days. Nuts rounded-ovate with an acute apex. The average weight of a nut — 11,7 g. Eggshell thickness — 1.5 mm. Shell weakly wrinkled, light brown in color. - Easily removed from the shell, yellow color. The output of the kernel of 45.7%. Fat and 68.4 %. Yield 1 tree in the age 35 years — 25 kg.

"Sort Of Uyghur"

Grade grow in the area of old forest and nut-tree nursery experienced station and collectible-uterine area. The age of the trees on the site forest and nut-tree station 46-57 years, collectible-mother plot age — 75 years. The average diameter of the trunks on a plot of forest and nut-tree station — 43 cm, height 20 m, collectible-mother plot the diameters of the trunks 20-25 cm, height 8-10 m. the Leaves are dark green with 3-4 pairs of leaflets. Type flowering — proterogyrinus, there is partial overlap flowering female and male flowers. Bloom buds for 7-10 days later others. Bears fruit regularly. The yield is high. Nuts large, a rounded shape. The average weight of nuts is 14.1 g. the Color of the shell light brown. The shell is of medium thickness. The thickness of the shell is 1.5
mm. the surface of the shell compared to other nuts smooth. - light brown, easily removed from the shell. The output of the kernel Of 48.8%. The fat content of 67.8%. The yield per 1 tree at the age of 35 years — 25 kg.

Form "Ala-Buka"

Trees grow in the cultures site. Age — 46 years. The average diameter is 21 cm, the height of the tree — 7 M. dark green Leaves with 3-4 pairs of leaflets. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Vegetation starts 7-10 days later than the other trees. Bears fruit regularly. The yield per 1 tree is 20 kg. Nuts average size, average weight is 9.8 g, light brown, the surface of the shell smooth. Eggshell thickness — 1.5 mm. - easy is extracted from the shell, kernel colour is light yellow. Core output up 50.3%. The fat content of the kernel — 69,1%.

Foreign regional varieties of walnut breeding S. S. Kalmykova

"Sort Of Bostandyk"

Trees grow on 2 collectible areas. The age of the trees 46-51 year. The average diameter of the trunks is 26-32 cm, the average height of trees — 10-12 m, crown diameter — 10х9 m. the Leaves are light green. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Flowering later. The average weight of nuts is 10.9-12.3 g, the output of the kernel 51-55%, the core is easily removed from the shell, fat kernel — 68,6%. In good years with 1 tree harvested on average 25 kg of nuts.

"Sort Panfilovets"

Age trees 46-51 year, growing at 2 collection sites. Average trunk diameter of 25-30 cm, the average height of the trees 10-11 m, diameter Kron — 8h9 m. the Leaves are light green. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Nuts oblong. The average weight of nuts is 10.9-12.3, kernel Release — 51,1 %, easily removed essolube. The fat content of the kernel — 68.9 per cent. The yield per 1 tree on the average 15-20 kg.

"Sort Of A Pioneer"

Trees grow on the territory of forest and nut-tree experiment station, age of 75 years, and a collector's-mother plot the age of 46. The average trunk diameter in the territory of forest and nut-tree experimental station — 46 cm, tree height — 17 m. the trunk Diameter of trees on collectible-uterine area — 20 cm, height — 9 m. the Leaves dark green with 3-4 pairs of leaflets. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. The growing season starts on average of 6-7 days later than the other. Fruits on a regular basis. Productivity in the age of 30 years — 20 kg. Nuts medium the size, shape elliptical. The average nut weight was 8.8 g. the Shell light brown, medium thickness. The thickness of khorlupy — 1.5 mm. - easy is extracted from the shell. The output of the kernel 50.4 per cent. The fat content of the kernel of 64.4%.

"Grade Kazakhstan"

Trees grown on the experimental plot. The age of the trees 46лет. Average trunk diameter – 27 cm, height 11 m, crown diameter – 10х9 M. Type flowering proterogyrinus. Fruiting year. The yield per 1 tree 15-20 kg. Resistant to frost, little affected by marsonia. Nuts large round shape. The average weight of nuts — 12.9 g, output kernel of 47.4%, - easily removed from the shell. The fat content of the kernel compared to 71.0%.

The best selected forms of walnut

Form "3A"

Tree seed origin grown in forestry and forestry in the tract at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. The age of about 96 years. Diameter the trunk 80 cm, height 18 m, well-developed crown. The tree bears fruit, despite late spring frosts. Spring frosts damaged slightly. Weakly affected by marsonia. Flowering occurs at a later date. Tree proterogyrinus. The fruits are large, round, shell smooth, has good presentation. Fruit size: length — 3.56 cm, width
— 3,24х3,16 cm. Average weight 10.6 g of nuts, the kernel is easily removed. Eggshell thickness — 1.5 mm. the output of the kernel 47.4 per cent. The fat content of the kernel is 69.5%. Very resistant to adverse climatic conditions, stable fruits. Fruits are formed from apical and lateral shoots. The yield is high, with 1 tree harvested from 60 to 120 kg of nuts.

Form "4A"

Grows in cultures of 1954, on the territory of forestry, and forestry in the tract IRI-Aryk. Height over sea level of 1500 m. Regularly bears fruit. Height wood 11 m, trunk diameter 40 cm, crown 10х11 m. type of flowering tree protantino. Fruits in their apical and lateral kidneys. Nuts of medium size, length — 3.66 cm, width — 3,01х3,10 see Average fruit weight of 10.0 g, are very easily removed -. The output of the kernel shell — 57,9%. The fat content of the kernel was 68.8%. Eggshell thickness of 1.30 mm. Form excels on a number of biological and economic-valuable signs. In years with late spring frost is observed damage to parts of annual shoots, however, due to the new shoots emerging from lateral buds occurs good fruiting. Poorly affected marsonia. The yield per 1 tree at the age of 50 years — 35-40 kg. the quality of the fruit and complex biological characteristics form recognized as one of the best.

Form "7A"

In crop production 1970. The plot is flat, the height above sea level — 1800 m early. Selected as regularly podonosma form. Trunk diameter 20 cm, tree height of 7 m. the crown 5x4 m. Fruits are formed from apical and the lateral buds, as well as from the secondary flowering. Nuts length — of 3.51 cm, width — 2,98х3,06 cm the Average weight of nuts 10.3 g, - easy removed. The output of kernel — 44,2%. The fat content of the kernel is 69.6%. The thickness of the shell — 1.6 mm. Frost damaged annual shoots. Weakly affected brown spot (marsonia). Prevalence 3 points. Type of flowering proterogyrinus.

Form "10A"

A tree grows in the altitude of 1350 m above sea level, in forestry, forestry, tract Top Alma. The height of the tree is 12 m, length CZK 12 m, the length of a year escape 15-20 cm Age about 86 years. Selected as regularly podonosma and productive form. The yield per tree 1 60 kg Type flowering proterogyrinus. Some overlap in the flowering periods of female and of male flowers. Fruit size: length of 3.62 cm, width — 3,13х3,07 see the Average weight of nuts — 11.5 g, tonkomolotye, eggshell thickness and 1.1 mm. - can be easily removed from the shell. The output of the kernel from the shell by 54.7%. The fat content of the kernel to 69.9 per cent. Spring frosts damaged slightly. Fruits not only from the apical buds, but from lateral buds. Fruit begin to ripen in an average of 7-10 days earlier than other trees. Leaves not significantly affected by marsonia.

Form "11A"

Form selected in the forest cultures of production, 1969, and on-site of forestry, forestry tracts. Height over sea level of 1450 m. Characterized by regularity of fruiting. Trunk diameter at breast height 27 cm, a tree height of 10 m, crown size 11x8 m, the average annual growth 15-20 cm Spring frost damaged part of annual shoots. Leaves slightly affected marsonia. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Has the ability to form ovaries and fruits without pollination. This observed in years with pozdnevesennimi frost when freezing hurt bloomed male buds growing near trees and therefore no pollination of the female inflorescences. Yield 1 tree — 15-20 kg. Nuts large, length — 3,91 cm, width — 3,44х3,53 cm, the surface of the shell smooth. The average weight of nuts is 14.5 g. the Thickness the shell is 1.6 mm. the output of the kernel is 47.7%. The kernel is extracted halves. The fat content of the kernel was 68.8%.

Form "12A"

Grows in cultures of production, 1969, in the territory of Leskhoz and tracts. Height above sea level — 1450 m. tree Height — 11 m, trunk diameter 23 cm, crown diameter — 7x8 m. the Leaves are dark green. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Weakly affected by marsonia. Good fruiting. In harvest years from wood harvested 20 to 25 kg of nuts. Nuts large, rounded, length of 3.45 cm, width — 3,16х3,33 cm Average weight nuts — 13,8 g - izvlekateljami. The output of the kernel of 44.1%. Fat the kernel was 65.3%.

Form "14A"

A tree grows in cultures walnut production in 1972, on the territory of forest and forestry. The diameters of the trunks 17-12 cm, a tree height of 8.5 m, crown 7x8 m selected as early. Regularly bears fruit. Leaves dark green poorly damaged marsonia. The degree of damage to marsonia — 3 points. Fruiting — 3 points. The yield per tree to 15 kg. Fruits of apical and lateral buds, also, the fruits are formed from the secondary flowering. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Nuts medium size, length to 3.36 cm, 2,93х3,32 cm, weight of nuts — 9.1 g, - removes easily. The shell is relatively thin. The thickness of the shell is 1.1 mm. the output of the kernel is 51.1%. The fat content was 67.8%.

Form" 2K"


on the territory of the Leskhoz. The age of about 15 -20 years. Form resistant to

frost, regularly bears fruit. Type of flowering proterogyrinus. Height

wood 6.5 m, trunk diameter of 18 cm, a short annual shoots of 5-6 cm.

Fruit size: length — 3,77 cm, width — 3,45x3,70 cm Average weight

nuts is 13.5 g. the Fruits are round and large. The thickness of the shell is 1.6 mm.

- Removes easily, has a good taste. The output of the kernel is 46.7%. Fat

— 66,6%. Regularly bears fruit. Weakly affected by marsonia. Yield

1 wood — 10-15 kg. Hence, selected the best varieties and forms

walnut are of good quality and match the fruit

international standards. As noted in the descriptions of fruit weight of cultivars and

forms of walnut, more than 10 g, the output of the kernel from the shell is

more than 45,0%, the core is easily removed from the shell, kernel, light yellow and

yellow. On the biological characteristics selected varietal trees

were late flowering, more resistant to frost, less

damage by diseases and good fruit.

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