Fertilizing the vineyard

Features of mineral nutrition of grapevines in different soil and climatic conditions, on the one hand, inextricably linked to real practical measures to maintain or even improve soil fertility through proper management of the content of the soil and applying an appropriate system of fertilizer. On the other - as demonstrated by the centuries-old intuitive and practical experience of growers and enthusiasts, the direction of the use of future crops and peculiarities of mineral nutrition of plants it is impossible to form the optimal system of fertilization for each individual plantation.

Grape is a perennial plant, so in the course of its life it grows and bears fruit in one place. Unlike annual crops, grown in crop rotation, grape plant throughout the life of soil makes the same batteries; requires constant (within certain limits) the reaction of a soil solution pH, and allowable concentrations of soluble salts and others, quite clear, and groundwater conditions.

Development of modern viticulture largely depends on the suitability of the soils for its cultivation. For grapes according to genotype plants (cultivar characteristics), conditions of their growth and development is of paramount importance. Because grapevines are perennial, errors in the choice of a place of a bookmark of vineyards can manifest itself even in 10-15 years. In modern technologies of growing grapes that is optimization of mineral nutrition is a major factor in improving the productivity of plantations.

The life cycle of industrial vineyards are divided into three periods: before fruiting stage, primary and active fruiting. Each period is characterized by the features of growth and development and, as a consequence, requirements to the mineral nutrition of vines.

The above mentioned regularities of the growth and development of the vine for different soil and climatic conditions, empirically, it was established by scientists NSC", Iviv them. V. E. Tairov" and became the basis of the technique of fertilizer application for this crop. It is intended that with appropriate doses and the correct ratios of nutrients to guide the development of plants on the formation of the harvest of a specified quantity and quality while preserving the existing soil fertility.

Almost all varieties for good growth and yield of appropriate quality requires light soils with a certain amount of nutrients and high permeability and good aeration. On such soils the roots to breathe to get enough oxygen from the air, developing high activity, provide plant nutrients needed for sustainable development.

Now expand on the meaning of some nutrition elements in the life of a grape plant. By the way, in conditions of Moldova, 1 ton of grapes annually of soil makes 5-8 kg of nitrogen, 1,5-2,5 - phosphorus, potassium 5-7 kg, 50-70 g of iron, 10-15 g of chlorine, 15 g of manganese, 8 g - Bora, 40 g copper, 6 g of zinc, 0.28 g of cobalt and 0.06 g of molybdenum.


Is the most important component of mineral nutrition in the vineyard. Nitrogen nutrition improves the condition and activity of the photosynthetic apparatus and accelerates the growth processes. When a sufficient amount of nitrogen the plants grow well even in cold spring. The increase in soil total quantity of assimilable nitrogen improves the appearance of plants, especially in the first half of the growing season; leads to the rapid growth of leaves and young shoots. In the spring the predominance of nitrogen nutrition on other chemical elements promotes the accelerated development of the kidneys.

An excess of nitrogen with sufficient moisture, stimulates excessive leaf development, which leads to their-occlusion. In this case, it deteriorates the possibilities of further use of already assimilated by the plant of large quantities of nitrogen. Excess nitrogen begins to accumulate therein in the form of nitrates, in turn, further reduces the productive work of the leaves.

Excessive nitrogen nutrition also contributes to rapid growth of shoots, causing the tissue of the vine become leaky and vulnerable to disease and frost, the coefficient of fruiting also reduced. The leaves are dark green, berries increase in size and become watery. A large amount of nitrogen, especially in late summer, delaying ripening of the berries and vines. This also affects the quality of the wine: it becomes grassy taste, poorly illuminated, affected by diseases.

Adversely affects the grapes and the lack of nitrogen: slow growth of shrubs, there is underdevelopment of grapes and leaves. The latter becomes pale, and a part of him dies.

Dynamics of nitrogen absorption by the plant depends simultaneously of the needs of the aerial part of the growth and development of the root system (Fig. 1). Root growth slows after Bud break and continues until the beginning of flowering. During this period, the nitrogen supply from the roots reutilizate in leaves that develop, and therefore nitrogen uptake from the soil is negligible. Peak consumption of nitrogen plant soil begins with the phase it was in full bloom and continues until the phase of ripening berries. This coincides with the period of intensive root growth. Starting from the phase of maturity to the phase of technical ripeness of the grapes (the harvest) nitrogen accumulates mainly in the long wood, where then larger quantities in the annual shoots, which continue to Mature. During this period, the nitrogen uptake from the soil is negligible.

After harvest, the nitrogen continues to accumulate in overwintering organs, especially the result of the outflow of leaves and shoots, although up to a third of nitrogen at this time the plant can absorb from the soil, especially in areas with long hot summers where the roots continue to grow after harvest. This replacement provides a nitrogen reserve for the initial growth of shoots the next season and is important for overwintering plants.

In cool regions with significant levels of spring precipitation nitrogen fertilizer should not be made before Bud break because of the possibility of leaching into groundwater significant amounts of nitrates. Better to make them before flowering and early maturity. However, in warm climates the use of nitrogen after harvest can also be quite effective, as it increases its reserves in overwintering organs. This plant uses nitrogen next spring.

Nitrogen is important for grapes intended for wine production. At low levels of nitrogen in the wort the fermentation proceeds very slowly and at high too fast. A quick fermentation will produce low-quality wines, especially from red grapes.


Along with nitrogen, phosphorus also plays a big role in the life of the vine plants. In various organs of shrub nitrogen and phosphorus is approximately in the ratio 10: 3; and the distribution of phosphorus is uneven. A normal supply of plant phosphorus promotes early flowering, hastens ripening berries and wood of shoots, increases the coefficient of fruiting and stimulates the growth of the root system.

The lack of phosphorus, on the contrary, reduces the growth of shoots, leaves and bunches. External characteristics of phosphorus deficiency in grapes can note the Curling edges of the leaf blade and its a purple color.

As can be seen from Fig. 2, high biological needs of the plants in the phosphorus nutrition for growth and development of leaves and shoots begins in early August, and then sharply (for shoots) is going to decrease, because in this period aktiviziruyutsya the absorption of phosphorus from the soil the whole mass of the crop, which is beginning to ripen. But once he matured and was harvested, the grape plant increases the intensity of the accumulation of phosphorus in the wintering organs to meet the needs of the next season.


Potassium is found primarily in young organs of plants. This element is rich in leaves, but large amounts of potassium are concentrated in the reproductive organs. In plants, the macronutrients are mainly in water-soluble form.

Pronounced positive effect of potassium on the synthesis of monosaccharides and converted into more complex carbohydrates with subsequent movement through the plant. Potassium improves water-holding capacity of plasma cells and reduces its viscosity. The optimal supply of plants with potassium enhances the synthesis of vitamins. Potassium in the vine is much more than other fruit plants. It accelerates the ripening of berries and vines.

When a sufficient amount of potassium increases the branching of the roots, improves cell differentiation vines. The latter becomes increasingly drought - and frost-resistant. Potassium increases sugar content and decreases acidity of the berry juice. Accumulate in the first half of the growing season in leaf, potassium along with other nutrients during the ripening of the berries goes into ridges, berries and seeds.

A lack of potassium disrupts the respiration of plants, leads to a decrease in phosphorus metabolism and the reduction of nucleotides, weakens the resistance of plants to fungal diseases; the leaves become pale in color, their tips die back.

As can be seen from Fig. 3, biological high requirements for potassium nutrition of leaves and shoots begins in late June, and then pretty much (shoots) is on a decline. This is because in this period aktiviziruyutsya the absorption of potassium from the soil of the entire bulk of the crop begins to ripen. But as soon as the crop matured and was harvested, the grape plant increases the intensity of the accumulation of potassium in overwintering organs to meet the needs of the next season.


Calcium accumulates only in senescent plant organs in young parts, which are still actively growing, it is much less. The role of calcium in plants is associated with its participation in the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein and to ensure normal conditions for the development of the root system. The need for it during the first period of growth is small. It manifests itself in a greater degree later, with a thickening of the cell walls and neutralizing of oxalic acid, which in the second half of the growing season actively begins to form in plants. Grape plant contains calcium in the form of carbonate, phosphate and oxalate salts. By the way, I think that calcium eliminates the harmful effects of excess magnesium in the soil.

Calcium deficiency particularly affects the development of roots. The visual manifestation of calcium deficiency on leaves characterized by the appearance of brown spots, then they die. Calcium promotes the conversion of absorbed plant nitrate into organic nitrogen compounds. With a lack of calcium has all the signs of nitrogen starvation and, hence, calcium plays a role in nitrogen metabolism.


Magnesium is part of chlorophyll. It affects oxidation-reduction processes in metabolism, which explains the need for it. In the plant magnesium is very small. The greatest quantity is contained in the young shoots. Magnesium deficiency is more pronounced on acidic sandy soils. However, and excess of magnesium are harmful to plants. His negative influence is eliminated by appropriate doses of calcium.


Iron participates in redox processes, promotes the formation of chlorophyll and is a part of several respiratory enzymes. Iron starvation of plants is most often seen in carbonate and selenocarbonates soils. In this case, plants are chlorosis, causing the leaves gradually turn yellow and die.


The sulfur is part of certain proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. Sulfur compounds are energetic substances, which explains their close relationship with the common exchange of sulfur in the plant body. Grapes plants contain a large enough quantity of this element.

Trace elements

Along with macronutrients for the normal growth and development of vine plants also need micronutrients: boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum. The main role of micronutrients is to increase the activity of various enzymes that catalyze biochemical processes in plants. The lack or complete absence of trace elements in the mineral nutrition of plants can cause a number of different non-communicable diseases, and metabolic disorders even lead to the death of the individual Bush. Trace elements play an important role in the fight against certain fungal and bacterial diseases.


The introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer improves the growth and development of grapes plants, increases their resistance to adverse conditions, increases the accumulation of sugars, aromatic substances and dyes.

Fertilizer rates should be adjusted depending on the humidity of the cultivation of grapes. Thus, in the zone of sufficient moisture requirement of vineyards in the fertilizer increased significantly, and return on investment yield increases to a greater extent compared to the cultivation of grapes in the zone of insufficient moisture.

Because of the complexity of relationships in the system soil - plant is impossible to give universal recommendations for fertilizer individual vineyard. For example, on sandy soils that lack nitrogen, these fertilizers should definitely be to ensure the further normal development of the vines and to obtain high-quality grapes. But on heavier soils the use of nitrogen in high doses can lead to increased vegetative growth at the expense of the reproductive phase, which has a negative impact on performances.

Growth, development and fruiting of the vine depend on the security it are necessary for normal vegetation with nutrients. As a disadvantage or excess of any of the food elements can cause disorders of the vital functions of the plant and even its death.

For the rational application of macro - and micronutrients is primarily to find out the quantitative and qualitative composition of mineral nutrients in the soil. And only after receiving test results can make the decision about the fertilizer plants.

Any system of fertilization of plantations of grapes should be developed separately for each specific case based on the data of analysis of soil and plant diagnostics.

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