How to recognize bacterial blight or plague from the black walnuts
Technical advice: How to recognize bacterial blight or plague from the black walnuts
This recommendation was developed by Andrea Torres Pinto, an Engineer in agronomy, INIA La Cruz, in
Currently walnut production is an extremely important alternative for growers with limited space, therefore, promoting the yield and post-harvest processes that can lead to growth in this area. Walnut, the fruit of national and international significance that are sensitive to the disease known as bacteriosis of the walnut, or black plague. The disease is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. juglandis (pierce).
(Disease of walnuts, caused by the bacteria Xanthomonas Campestris pv. juglandis, is an extremely destructive disease of walnuts).
This disease can lead to losses, which, depending on the season, can be recorded at the level of more than 50% of the production volume.
Symptoms: the Presence of numerous black rings and blackening of the soft or succulent tissue, and the development of the disease, the fruits may fall off completely or if an adverse reaction happens later, or until the solidification of the shell, the sick, the fruits can remain on the tree.
Predisposing conditions
The presence of excess water on the feed tissues due to rain, drizzling rain or
continuous fog, is essential to prevent infection, in addition to temperatures exceeding 18°C.
Rain and wind contribute to the dispersion of these bacteria.
On the other hand, the early varieties, that is, those that ripen first in the season, more sensitive than those that ripen late, as the latter avoid climatic conditions favouring disease development.
Control measures
Control measures are based mainly on the prevention of disease, prevention of infection and to minimize sources of inoculum, using techniques such as:
- Weed control;
- Removal of infected fruit and vegetables from the garden;
- Remove primirennya of the branches in which the observed cancers;
- Disinfection of instruments for trimming of trees, from one tree to another;
- Removal of fallen leaves on the ground.
The use of products with antibacterial properties such as compounds based on copper, used to protect delicate tissues during phenological phases of growth swollen buds and lengthening of earrings. Subsequently, these measures can be repeated during the solidification of the rind of the fruit.
You must remember that the success of farming depends on the time of application, used tools, and quality tools (adjustable and calibrated equipment).
Rasul Telibekov, Club, SAP, Republic of Kazakhstan