The world is waiting for Ukrainian honey, meat and berries !

In an interview with "Egravere," said the adviser of agriculture of the Royal Netherlands Embassy Evert Jan Krajenbrink.

There are also opportunities in foreign markets for Ukrainian products, honey, meat (but not pork), dairy products, fresh fruits, berries, juices, concentrates. "This is a real opportunity right now. In the long run it could be any kind of goods," says Evert Jan Krajenbrink.

He noted that in Ukraine there are opportunities for the production of high quality products at low cost, thus there are all preconditions for the rapid development of the food processing industry. But the issue in the long term at least 5 years, provided that the first steps are done now.

"To get high profits it is important to find its place. This can be the growing of flowers, production of confectionery or bakery products. Also high value added are canned fruits and vegetables. Or even tomato paste", — concluded the expert.

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