In Australia tested two new varieties of pears

Growers Association Apple and pear Australia (APAL) in collaboration with the growers of the country is testing two new varieties of pears. In the category of pears, which is considered more old-fashioned compared with its rapidly changing relative category of pears, there are several new varieties placed on the market in recent years.

Two new varieties of pears, whose visual appeal and excellent taste should appeal to consumers, both inside the country and abroad, now resterauts in Australia.

ANP 0118 grade will appear on the market under the name of LAN. This early variety of pear with a red sideways, which Matures in Australia by the end of January - beginning of February. Pears of this variety can be eaten immediately after harvest. They have a crunchy, juicy flesh and sweet taste.

Grade 0131 ANP will be called Delisa. This is a more traditional varieties of pears in the European style, which takes time to ripening after harvest. The texture of the fruit more soft and buttery, and the size of the pears of this variety are quite large. The yield of pear varieties Delisa in Australia are harvested in early March.

Commercial cultivation of these varieties will start in a year or two, but consumers prodemonstrirovali these pears, they loved the taste. At the same time the red blush fruit of these varieties will clearly distinguish them on store shelves.

Both varieties have the potential to export. Studies have shown that fruits of both varieties retain their flavor and texture after the three months of storage, and a variety 0131 ANP can be stored up to six months, which makes it very promising for export.

Commercial farming and the licensing varieties will be built similar to the Apple variety Pink Lady.

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