The export of cherries from New Zealand

The export of cherries from New Zealand exceeded 3,400 tons in the season of 2015-2016, According to the Association of Summerfruit NZ, it's 21% more than 2711 tons export to new Zealand of cherries last year, the previous record was set in 2010-2011, when exports of cherries from this country amounted to 1660 tons.
"Firstly, in recent years we have seen the growth of orchards of cherries and this trend will continue in the coming years. Secondly, this year weather conditions contributed to the good crop of cherries," explained Gary Bennets, Chairman of Summerfruit NZ.

Chinese New Year, which this time was celebrated on 8 February, provides an opportunity for New Zealand growers to increase supply to Asia. Taiwan is currently the largest importer of new Zealand cherries. To supply this market exceed 1,000 tons for the second season in a row. Also, growing exports to the markets of mainland China, Vietnam and South Korea.

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