Strips that absorb ethylene and extend the shelf life of the fruit

In the past year, the leading retail chain such as Marks & Spencer, Tesco, Waitrose, Morrisons and others around the world have started testing innovative blister packaging. Now on the bottom of each basket of strawberries buyers may find a small strip of size 8cm X 4.5 cm with the inscription "It's Fresh!" ("It's fresh!").

The band is a self-adhesive plaque deposited on it by sputtering a patented mixture of clay and minerals which absorb ethylene, the plant hormone, used in industry for accelerating fruit ripening and easier their separation from the stalks, but in the sales process contributing to premature their over ripeness, and then the damage (on strawberries, for example, is formed of a mold).

The company Food Freshness Technology – the developer of the product, focuses that this simple but high-tech plate helps to increase the duration of the storage period, ranging from collection to retail sale of fruit of the highest quality. Strips "It's Fresh!" safe, easy to use and do not require substantial investment. The retail network now unable longer to keep fruit fresh, minimize waste and extend the shelf life, use and sale. Improving the quality and intensifying the flavor of the fruit safe way, "It's Fresh!" directly addresses the main problems of the industry related to food security and profitability – plus the global problem of food waste.

How does "It's Fresh!":

1.Filters the air, absorbing ethylene, the ripening hormone.

2.Reduces premature spoilage and waste.

3.Increases resistance to diseases such as Botrytis.

4.Works in a wide range of temperature and pressure.

5.Safe, non-aggressive and easy to use.

Evgeny Zhdanov (TM "Stepan"),

Eugene King,

Club Sirius Agro Plant

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