In Belarus are working on the issue of export of juice birch in Poland.

Belcoop Union plans in 2016 to increase 1.5 times the volume of procurement of birch juice compared to 2015 and to establish its export to Poland, said the head of the Department of industry, quality and standardization of Belcoopsoyuz Alexander Nut.

Organizations of Belcoopsoyuz this year plan to procure and to process 1 thousand tons of birch juice, which is 1.5 times more than in 2015. In the system of consumer cooperatives is the preparation and processing of juice do 4 companies, beverage production in the planned volumes, they entered into supply contracts with forestry enterprises. According to Alexander Smith, this year due to weather conditions, the season harvesting birch SAP began later than usual - March 21 (last year - March 11). By this time, already prepared 53 tons of juice. Belkoopsoyuz will offer buyers this spring, a birch juice "Slavic" no added sugar, juice with sugar, blended different fruit juices, with the addition of infusions of herbs and fruits - St. John's wort, marjoram, thyme, rose hips, thyme, etc. Provided the beverage in capacities from 0.75 l to 3 L.

The export worked out the supply of birch juice in Poland, is currently being negotiated. As for the draft for the freezing of birch SAP for food Molodechnenski plant, work is continuing at the moment, the issue of finding markets for these products," - said Alexander Nut

Цена по Украине в среднем 3,5-4 грн!, а уже в Польше-sok z brzozy naturalny 750 ml Pojemność: 750 ml Cena: 9,89 zł=2,63$! Сок березовый
Хорошая маржа! Опт, наверное, где-то в районе 1,5дол., что тоже очень интересно в сравнении с украинскими отпускными ценами. Вопрос только в другом — а кто-то в Украине занимается заготовкой березового сока в больших объемах? Как вариант, допускаю, что это могут делать лесхозы…
В больших объемах наверное никто не занимается, не встречались, предложения по Украине в новом сезоне 2016 есть, даже пишут в неограниченных количествах, с отличным качеством…

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