Fresh Forward is Opera

Fresh Forward after many years of research proudly announces the market launch of the new strawberry varieties: OPERA. It's a big, shiny strawberries with juicy flavor and high yields. Strawberry is very suitable for growing in low light and lower temperature, allows to obtain without any problems the crop of beautiful berries.

Opera was developed by Fresh Forward as alternative to Elsanta. Opera and Elsanta appeared on the basis of the same breeding program and therefore have some common features ancestors. But they're not really twins.
The size and shape of the fruit Opera is certainly higher, while the presence of defects (2nd class) and susceptibility to rot (Phytophthora cactorum) below. To harvest, simply because of the open structure of the Bush.

Director Fresh Forward Christian de Jong: "the Market has been waiting for years for a replacement Elsanta strawberries when growing where it is possible to achieve success.What we have now - it's called strawberry Opera". Opera gives direction to the future of greenhouse cultivation of strawberries in Western Europe.

Fresh Forward breeding company affiliated with the University of Wageningen, pays mostly attention to the development of new varieties. Along with several leading Dutch manufacturers were tested varieties in terms of cultivation methods, conditions, pollination and cultivation, preparation for market. The result: a good crop varieties Opera both in spring and in autumn.

Fresh Forward представляет Opera -  блестящая земляника с сочным вкусом и с высокой урожайностью. 0Fresh Forward представляет Opera -  блестящая земляника с сочным вкусом и с высокой урожайностью. 1Fresh Forward представляет Opera -  блестящая земляника с сочным вкусом и с высокой урожайностью. 2
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