It is a specialized company Mivena fertilizers in Ukraine.

Over the past few years, the information in the media coming from Ukraine, was mainly concentrated on the sad news about the war taking place in the country. However, for the greater part of the country life goes on and work is done.

Ukraine has always been a huge producer of fruits and agriculture is one of the most promising sectors in the country. In the years of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was the main supplier of fruit for the vast country. Production in the early nineties there were about 3 million tons per year. After independence, these amounts have fallen sharply, but since the beginning of the new century the figures rise again and is estimated, now are again in the area from 2 to 3 million tons. Under the current situation in the Eastern part of the country, of course, very difficult to obtain accurate figures.

In addition to the excellent opportunities for fruit production, Ukraine also had a very complex system of registration to obtain foreign products in its market until recently. Many companies tried to register in this project and stopped at one stage or another. However, it should be noted that the events that occurred in Ukraine in recent years has led to a number of reforms and radical changes in legislation. The country has changed a number of laws, namely with respect to taxes, customs duties and the legal regime of agrochemicals. But the ways of confirming the quality of the products that are imported into the territory of Ukraine, are still part of the historical heritage from the Soviet system.

Therefore, the company Mivena extremely pleased to announce that they, as the first producer of the CRF fertilizer, has completed the full cycle of registration in the field of formal possibilities of importation into the customs territory of Ukraine of products Mivena. They did it together with its Ukrainian distributor Agroenergopostach in March 2016, It is not only good news for Mivena and recognition of their quality, but also for producers in Ukraine, which would strengthen the professionalism of their production. High-quality fertilizer, such as Field-Cote CRF®, Horti-Cote Plus CRF® and Granusol WSF® are used by many fruit growers and plants in the EU for many years and at present, the Ukrainian market will be to have access to this too.

Needless to say, Mivena and Agroenergopostach will not only be supplying fertilizer, but they will also help clients with advice on fertilization. Using products Mivena and councils of the Ukrainian fruit producers will have a good opportunity to improve the quality of their products and to get acquainted with the EU standards.

Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 0Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 1Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 2Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 3Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 4Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 5Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 6Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 7Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 8Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 9Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 10Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 11Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 12Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 13Специализированная компания удобрений Mivena в Украине. 14
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Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


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