In Ukraine opened the mushroom season 2016 !

The mushroom hunting season has already started,in the forests of Ukraine appeared first mushrooms: morels and lines.
Morel (lat. Morchella) — conditionally edible mushroom of the family Smorchkova (or marshalovich), which includes petitive with large,varying in the form of the apothecia, often in the form of the cap on the stem. The body is very porous, hollow inside. The color is usually brownish. Morel
is considered conditionally edible fungi (all species of the genus are edible), but for use in food requires a long (20-30 minutes) heat treatment.

Gyromitra: (Latin:Gyromitra is a genus of Ascomycetes family Destinova (Discinaceae), which is often confused with the edible morels (Morchella spp.). Raw lines is deadly poisonous!!

In parallel with the appearance of the first wild mushrooms in the woods ,begin their work, collectors of mushrooms.
- According to experts of the market situation at the beginning of the season for mushrooms, the morels and the lines of complex,large industrial activity harvesting these mushrooms has not been observed ,the demand on the world markets for mushrooms - morels and the lines moderately constant with the specificity and quality requirements of mushrooms.

В Украине открылся грибной сезон 2016 ! 0В Украине открылся грибной сезон 2016 ! 1В Украине открылся грибной сезон 2016 ! 2
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