The University of Florida to focus on strawberries with the best taste.

Thanks to the work at the University of Florida, will appear on the market some of the best taste of strawberries, in accordance with several parameters of the tests, and buyers can simply look for the strawberries that are grown in the sunshine state and understand that it will be delicious. The results of these studies can be seen from the releases of the cultivars Winterstar and Florida Sensation. While the strawberries are not different taste and variety, consumers should look for fresh berries from Florida or logos, or other indications that they were grown somewhere in Florida, for example, in Plant City, the strawberry capital of the state.

A taste test of the variety Winterstar is estimated above the leading varieties of the state, said Vance Whitaker from the Institute of Florida. His taste has always been equal to or significantly higher than other varieties of strawberry in terms of sweetness and taste in General. A rating even higher in flavor of the Florida Sensation, which became available in commercial quantities in the autumn of 2014. The University is currently looking for berries manufacturers interested in licensing and growing the variety . What distinguishes Florida Sensation is the quality of the fruit. He has a good, constant level of sugar and very consistently good flavor. At variety also the large size of the fetus, which is an important feature for manufacturers. Sensation is a Florida for Florida early grade. Early fruiting is really important for manufacturers, because they then receive their highest prices at the beginning of the season, said Whitaker.

Strawberry producers in Florida provide berries from late September until the middle or end of March . Nearly 10 thousand acres are planted annually in the state, and the 2010 harvest was valued at about $ 362 000 000 . Florida is No. 2 in the country among producers of strawberries. The Florida strawberry industry has more than a hundred years, but its greatest growth has been seen in the last 15 years. This is partly due to increased consumption of strawberries and other berries in the U.S., as well as the University of Florida release new varieties.

Our varieties of really good transportability, good toughness, form and good taste and other qualities , which have enabled producers to send berry over large distances while maintaining excellent quality all the time, said Whitaker. The combination of good yield and transportability along with great taste helps manufacturers Florida separates itself from the producers of strawberry in southern California and Mexican competitors. Farmers can use these new varieties to distinguish their products in the market that people were looking for strawberries in Florida because of the quality.

translated by Boris Karabanov, FKH Agrovest - 2012"

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