Sales of the fruit for processing should be planned and systematic – expert

Продажи ягод для переработки должны быть плановыми и систематичными – эксперт

For large enterprises the implementation of berries for processing should wear systemic in nature, and not produced by a residual principle. This the opinion was expressed by Vitaliy Yurchenko, Deputy General Director of the company AGRANA fruit Luka", during his speech at the seventh international conference "Berries of Ukraine – 2016: frozen produce & fresh market".

"Today Ukraine is, unfortunately, lost major markets the berries. The greatest problems with the implementation arose from companies with large production facilities," notes Mr. Yurchenko. - Thus, for such manufacturers permanent the cooperation with processing enterprises is necessary component for the successful implementation of its products."

As for small manufacturers that, according to Vitaly Yurchenko, these companies are easier to shift to regional markets, which greatly reduces the risks of problems with the implementation.

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