In Ukraine is expected to increase production of blueberry

В Украине ожидается резкое увеличение производства голубики

In the nearest future in Ukraine may dramatically increase the supply of blueberries. This was stated by the head of the project "APK-inform: vegetables and fruits" Tatyana Getman during his speech at the seventh international conference "berries of Ukraine – 2016: frozen produce & fresh market".

"Blueberries – the crop with the largest production growth in the segment of soft berries in the world. In Ukraine in 2015, the gross harvest of blueberry amounted to 1 thousand tons, and in 2016, according to forecasts of experts, can to reach 1.3-1.5 million tons. The area under plantations of blueberry in commercial farms are rapidly increasing: today they are estimated in 1 ha. note that it is 1.5 times more than the area under raspberries. In addition, now in Ukraine come into fruiting new planting of blueberries, planted 3-4 years ago. This by the way, the offer of these products in Ukraine in the near future may sharply increase", - says the expert.

I should add that, according to T. Getman, a sharp increase the production of blueberries, as well as competition with cheaper blueberries will lead to the fact that the price of these products in the next season maybe to decline at least 20%.

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