In Ukraine will soon start to collect wild mushrooms.

В Украине скоро начнут  собирать лесные грибы.

In Ukraine will soon start to collect wild mushrooms. While the collection is very small, with forests already bring in chanterelles, white mushrooms, aspen , boletus,boletus.

Weather this week favored the emergence of mushrooms, and it is expected that this week the collection will grow. Further everything will depend on the weather.

We will remind,about the benefits of mushrooms: fresh mushrooms contain fat-soluble vitamins a and D, b vitamins, and ascorbic (vitamin C), Niacin (vitamin PP) acid , potassium , calcium,phosphorus,magnesium,zinc,copper,manganese,cobalt and other elements.

More than 5% of the mass of mushrooms comprise protein, 3% carbohydrates and about 1% fats.

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