In Chernivtsi region ripen a pineapple field.

В Черновицкой области поспевает ананасовое поле.

On the field near the village of Luzhany, Chernivtsi region, where in April, thousands of tulips bloomed, ripe pineapples normal (Ananas comosus).
Thousands of tourists from all over Ukraine have already visited this unique place.
Young pineapple seedlings before planting in open ground was prepared by the Department of rare and tropical plants CNU them.Yu.Fedkovych.
Says Professor Simon Vovchanskiy:

"Pineapple - a very useful berry, is capable to produce in tropical climates, up to two harvests per year. Scientists of our University proved the possibility of fully ripe pineapple in our conditions only once, and that will be enough, what would this delicious and nutritious fruit appeared on Ukrainian tables. Its fruits are consumed fresh, they make them compotes, juice, jams, add the meat, is used in various salads.
Pineapple is a typical component of the cuisine of many countries, and in the modern world are widely used in the kitchens of the developed countries, in particular, without the pineapple juice, it is impossible to prepare this famous cocktail like Pina colada ".
The feast of the first harvest, we plan to spend Independence Day ".

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