To us in Ukraine the Chinese go for cheap berry

К нам в Украину едут Китайцы за дешевой ягодой

At the end of June to Ukraine there will arrive delegation from China to look at the Ukrainian berries.

This was said Deputy Minister of agricultural policy on European integration Vladislav Rutitskii in an interview to "Ukrainian news".

In particular, the Chinese suppliers are very interested in Ukrainian cherries.

"They are interested in our the cherries. Want to come and see the production. After that Chinese partners must create their vision - in any form to export, type of packing, etc.," says Rutitskii.

According to her, China is beneficial to buy cherries in Ukraine.

"If you compare the price per kilogram of cherries we have in China, according to the latest figures, the price of cherries in China reached up to $25/kg," explains the Deputy Minister.

Recall that the wholesale price for sweet cherry in Ukraine has dropped to 20 UAH/kg.

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