Berry, agrarians of Ukraine planted in 2016, a record number of berries

Ягодные  аграрии Украины посадили в 2016 году рекордное количество ягод

The championship traditionally belongs to the strawberries, thanks to its export capacities in the past years.
But if earlier the most part of this fruit were sold in Russia, but now almost the entire crop goes to the Ukrainians that will please the wallets of our citizens.
Ukraine opened the possibility of entering the EU market. While exports are mainly frozen berries labeled "eco", but the prospects for increasing the share in this market is more than encouraging.
In second place this year raspberry.
The reason for this was the reaction of farmers to the unprecedented high prices for this berry in 2015 – up to 70 USD per kilogram. Last year Ukrainians "not allowed to enjoy raspberries" underground, the Polish processors. This year, both in Poland and in Ukraine, I hope for a huge crop, which has been dubbed the "gold boom", which will appear on the price.
Farmers expand the area under raspberries, and favorable weather conditions will give the berries a good increase in the population, say experts.
According to the Institute of horticulture of Ukraine, the area under strawberries in 2015 amounted to 9 thousand hectares, the total area of black and red currants – 6,2 thousand, the area under raspberries – 6 thousand hectares.
From the so-called niche crops the most rapidly increasing planting blueberries.
Today blueberries are one of the most expensive berries, but this trend may change due to the increase in supply of this product on the Ukrainian market.
In 2015, the price of blueberries did not fall below USD 100 per kilogram, and in 2016 it is not much decrease. A significant drop in prices will happen in 5-6 years, but the offer blueberries in the markets may increase this year that will be critical to a small decline in prices.
There are a number of berry crops, which are generally almost unknown to the Ukrainian consumer, such as: Actinidia, chokeberry, honeysuckle. Very little presents: BlackBerry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, Agros.
Except for food use in Europe, the growing demand for cosmetology with the use of such berries as blueberries, bilberries, cranberries, cloudberries, asaya, sea buckthorn, Aronia chokeberry, Goji. According to experts, this trend in the near future will make these berries are popular in Ukraine.

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