Ukrainian cherry prices for the first batch of berries

Украинская вишня цены на первые партии ягод значительно выше, чем в начале сезона продаж 2015 г.

This year Ukrainian cherry sold twice as more than last season. The reason - because of spring frosts, the farmers lost a large part of the crop.

Cherries new season already on the market, reports "APK-inform: vegetables and fruits".

The prices for the first batch of berries is much higher than at the beginning of the selling season of 2015.

A year ago, at the beginning of the season, the producers were shipping cherries at 10-18 UAH/kg, now wholesale prices start from UAH 17/kg And some farms appreciate your goods at 25 UAH/kg.

"This fact gardeners explain the decrease in the yield on average 1.5 times due to the spring frosts," - commented the experts.

Recall that in late April for one night Western Ukraine has lost up to 100% of the cherry harvest.

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