A pilot project with a size of 400 million Ukrainian farmers

Пилотный проект размером  в 400 млн грн украинским аграриям

400mln USD will receive the Ukrainian farmers in the funding programme,developed by the "Agrarian Fund" and the Bank "Ukrainian capital". It is reported delo.ua citing the press service of the Agrarian Fund".

It is planned that the loan will be allocated for the 2016-2017 marketing year. The share of the Bank will amount to almost half of the total amount of funding.

The new program is designed for small and medium-sized businesses, with net revenues for the year to 10 million USD, said the Chairman of PJSC "Agrarian Fund" Andrey Radchenko.
"Now the program is preparing for the fall sowing of winter crops, and we hope that this fall will be able completely customized to the needs of customers," he said.
According to preliminary calculations, the cost of using funds will be for farmers 12% per annum in national currency.
As reported in the "Agricultural Fund", the money will be provided for the purchase of fuel and lubricants materials, seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, spare parts for repair of agricultural machinery and etc.
Program funding will be as a pilot project. If its implementation is successful, the initiators plan to collaborate with other banks: Ukrgasbank, Oshadbank and Ukreximbank.
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