In Ukraine started selling season blueberry

В Украине начался сезон продажи голубики

In Ukraine started selling season blueberry. Now it is the most expensive berry in the market. As of 21 June 2016 minimum price for blueberries was 450 UAH./kg. On the Kiev market "Capital" blueberries sold at a price of 450-500 UAH. / kg. In other wholesale markets, the berry is not offered. On the wholesale market "Crimean Privoz" the price of blueberries started from 465 UAH. / kg wholesale and to 645 UAH/kg retail. "In the beginning of the season blueberries is space prices, then the price level will fall, but the berries will remain in the segment of expensive, – said Oksana King, an expert on agriculture IA"Infoindustriya ". – In 2015, the high season in the blueberries did not fall below UAH 100. / kg" In her opinion, the high price is due to low supply amid high demand from restaurants and from the adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The expert believes that the blueberries will become more affordable not earlier than in 5-7 years, when berry will be laid enough space.

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