Strawberry Murano is becoming more common in the Benelux

Земляника Мурано получает все большее распространение в странах Бенилюкса

Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti (CIV) has observed an increased interest to his patented variety of strawberry Murano in the Netherlands and Belgium, after its success in online retail Sainsbury in the UK.

In a statement the company said that variety is gaining the support of the operators in the supply chain in the two countries with the prices of attractive prices in comparison with other varieties.

The group referred to Cleary as a sort of leader in the beginning of the season in Belgium, France and Germany; jolie, which is very popular in the segment of direct sales in Belgium; and Venice and Capri, as the most popular in the countries of Northern Europe.

In addition, new varieties of Flavia and Flaminia enter the market in southern Europe and France as the most suitable for strawberry production in temperate Mediterranean climate.

According to CIV, the versatility of the varieties based on General technology, which provides these quality features:

  • The natural resistance and power plants;
  • Good adaptability as to integrated production and organic agriculture, and, obviously, the high productivity of conventional agriculture;
  • Low impact on the environment, with resistance to diseases, and low requirements to water and food;
  • High quality fruit flavor and optimum texture and shelf life.

"The main purpose of the CIV is more and more to focus our research and development activities towards the development of environmentally sustainable varieties of strawberries of the highest quality to satisfy all players in the supply chain, from producer to consumer at the international level", said the President of the CIV, pier Filippo Tagliani.

Anna Ustymenko,

Club Sirius Agro Plant

Земляника Мурано получает все большее распространение в странах Бенилюкса 0
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