Planting wildflowers helps pollination of blueberry

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Blueberries need pollination by bees to have good yields. One of the strategies that were used by the manufacturers of blueberry to stimulate the activity of insect pollinators on their farms is planting wildflowers in strips or plots close to cultivated plantations.

A study by the University of Michigan has shown that farmers can increase yields and pollination of blueberry by planting wild flowers that help attract bumblebees and bees. According to the study, these crops can also attract natural enemies of pests and allow the use of these methods of biological control of insect pests.

However, planting wildflowers is not just to plant seeds in the ground and sit back and watch as they grow. As for any other field crops, and any other garden, you need to carefully choose a habitat for wild flowers, and to know how to prepare and provide the required maintenance for weed control.

The choice of location

Select a Sunny location that is protected from spray drift. Terms of moisture and nutrients of the soil should be sufficient for wild flowers. Although these crops are planted on land that is not normally used to produce berries, it is not necessary to spend time and money investing in planting flowers on the soil with a small amount of nutrients, soils with excess moisture or too dry.

Site preparation and planting

Site preparation for planting wildflowers includes weed control, which is carried out during the period of vegetation before planting. Dry weeds are burned and the existing vegetation plow harrow in the spring before planting. Apply non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate in the spring, mid summer and early autumn.

Organic growers can use solarization and other methods of weed control that do not require the use of chemicals. It is recommended to use the disk cultivator to loosen the top layer of soil before planting in late autumn or early spring. Sow a mixture of native wildflowers appropriate to the terrain conditions, which bloom continuously throughout the growth cycle. Seeds should be covered with a sufficient layer of soil to ensure good contact with the soil.

Weed control after planting

During the first year, you must mow all vegetation to a height of 6 to 8 inches every two weeks. Most perennial wildflowers above that do not grow in the first year, therefore, continuous mowing will help prevent seeds of weeds. Be sure to set the mower at a higher altitude than that used for mowing.

For the second year in early spring cut and rake the dry residues. Don't do this in late spring when the vegetation has already started growing to avoid damaging the wildflowers. Consider the need to interplant empty space, and even replant the flowers in them.

A little effort and patience and you will get the result. If in the beginning to properly control the weeds, wild flowers require very little care in the second year, except for the removal of dry residues from time to time. If planting wildflowers is well managed, they continue to grow and flourish every year; help to attract insect pollinators, pollination and increase yield, provide significant resources for other beneficial insects.

Anna Ustymenko

Club Sirius Agro Plant

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