Ukraine ustanovila record s expansion samarasena Malini

Україна встановила рекорд з експорту замороженої малини

This season Ukraine has set a record for the export of frozen raspberries. This is reported by experts of the market, based on the statistical data on international trade. Thus, in the period from January to November 2016, the country exported more than 6.5 thousand tons of frozen raspberries. This figure is almost 3 times greater than the result of all of 2015. In fact, we are talking about the largest volume of exports of frozen raspberries in the history of independent Ukraine.

Like last year, the largest volume of deliveries occurred in August and September, mainly exported frozen raspberries everbearing varieties. This year, only in August, it exported almost 2 thousand tons of raspberries, that is 75% of the total last year's volume. In September, the country had exported about 1.8 thousand tons of this fruit, and this figure is 3 times higher than the export volume in September 2015.

"To achieve these results we have managed, primarily through the increased production and stable demand for Ukrainian berries in Europe. But, to increase exports, the Ukrainian companies had to reduce the price. In this year's harvest of raspberries in the EU countries was better than in the past, so the competition for foreign products was more rigid. So, if in the fall of 2015, the demand for Ukrainian raspberries have been consistently highest in the EU at the price of 3,4-4,0 EUR/kg, this year more than a 1.7-1.8 EUR/kg, to sell the berry was very difficult," - commented Tatiana Getman, an expert fruit and vegetable market in Eastern Europe.

Almost all Ukrainian frozen raspberries in 2016 was redeemed by the EU, while in Poland it sold 3.4 thousand tons of berries, more than 50% of total export volume. The share of Germany amounted to about 10%; Ukraine has shipped about 600 tons of frozen raspberry in there. It is interesting that in the top three this year, instead of Russia, were the Czech Republic, which increased its import of frozen raspberries from Ukraine at once in 4 times – up to 580 tons. Meanwhile, the list of buyers were Belarus, which imported from Ukraine nearly 200 tons of frozen raspberries. It is possible that the majority of this volume was re-exported to Russia. Recall, for almost a year in Russia, a ban on the supply of Smorodina berries from Ukraine. Formerly the country was included in the list of main buyers of Ukrainian frozen raspberries.

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