China zakupok fresh cherry in Ukraine

Китайские бизнесмены оценили первый опыт закупок свежей черешни в Украине

The first trial batch of fresh, not frozen Ukrainian cherries were shipped to the Chinese market in 2016. This was announced by the Manager on development of Ukrainian produce business project business development horticulture Sergei Potapov during the webinar, which was held for farmers participating in the project.
All in all, China sent 120 tons of fresh Ukrainian cherries. According to S. Potapov, exports would have been great if not for the rains in early summer, leaving many of the berries when receiving culled through cracking.

To deliver Ukrainian cherries for such a long distance was possible thanks to the involvement of availahility and organized Chinese businessmen "cold chain", for which it was purchased is unique for Ukraine refrigeration equipment — mobile hydrocooler, which established in Melitopol. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that devices which cool the product with airflow and ice water in Ukraine has only two units. This equipment cools faster product (and not only the flesh but also the bone) than the traditional, but is significantly more expensive: the aforementioned hydrocooler Turkish production capacity of 6 tons per hour would cost delivery to Ukraine and customs clearance of $ 100 thousand Such hydrocooler used primarily for berries — they are soft and require rapid cooling due to the low keeping quality.

Due to "cold chain" has managed to achieve unprecedented long term storage of sweet cherry — 22 days from the time of collection.
According to Potapov, the "cold chain" is only 75-80% success in implementation of perishable berries: the manufacturer must also comply with the technology at the stage of growing.
Chinese businessmen appreciated the first experience of purchasing fresh sweet cherries in Ukraine as a positive and expect in season 2017 to increase the volume of purchases of Ukrainian cherries.

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