With the right approach, the land in Ukraine can become gold!

При правильном подходе земля в Украине может стать золотом!

Presentation of the most reliable business in Ukraine.
What today the business is the most profitable?

One that brings a fast and big one-time profit or business, thoroughly established, decades, centuries, who with each subsequent year will be profitable in the progression?

Modern man drawn to new technologies, more and more people come to the city, the capital, completely forgetting their roots, the origins of nature!
0:27 Business rages and is developing in the cities, because only in them you can quickly earn a solid capital. Is it really so? All the business can see in advance what risks you will face?
0:39 Until recently in Ukraine the most profitable business was considered the real estate market: millions invested in a luxury glass square meters. Today in Ukraine the difficult economic and political situation – all the millions frozen in concrete and glass, the property market is paralysed.
Similar examples are many – different production, entertainment, logistics and others.
1:05 These businesses require large capital investments, and we expect from them a huge profit. In 9 of 10 cases a reliable investment was a big risk of loss.
And how to anticipate such circumstances and force majeure such as fire, flood, hurricane, war? Businesses are collapsing like houses of cards...
1:27 If you are looking for a reliable business that will bring You stable profit in any economic situation, which is not affected by force majeure, which can be proud of you, your children and even grandchildren, let's turn our attention to what gives us the very nature, bring profit and happiness to many generations and with the help of modern technology it is possible to improve!
I think you have already guessed that we will talk about the agricultural business.
1:23 Let's look at countries such as Egypt, where the fertile land is located just on the banks of the Nile, where the scorching sun could at any time burn the whole vegetation, and at the same time, in Ukraine demand brought crop - potatoes!
If you got a lemon – make lemonade!
2:48 With the right approach, the land in Ukraine can become gold!
3:12 In many countries such as USA, France, Brazil, Chile, India, Iran, where I grew up, growing gardens is a family business...
4:13 I remember my grandparents, which only 4 hectares of land...
5:19 what products are in constant demand in the market?...
7: 27 Let's consider the benefits in this business...

Industrial gardens in Ukraine. Part 2

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