Cassettes for seedlings

Кассеты под рассаду

Plants in plug trays for seedlings of EPS (expanded polystyrene) is the most progressive method of growing plants. The world long ago came to this conclusion for the following main reasons. First, the restrictions are removed at the time of planting in cassettes for seedlings. Secondly, after planting a permanent place plants after cassettes for seedlings do not experience the shock and continue their development even in more comfortable conditions, because the root system has a chance of free growth in cassettes for seedlings. Trays, vases, and tapes of EPS (expanded polystyrene) is ideal for growing crops, due to their properties, they form the ideal basis for the cultivation of seeds and seedlings. EPS insulation is (for stable roots of temperatures), dimensional stability, durability, environmental friendliness, low weight and many other properties, which provide favorable conditions for growing crops.
The cassettes are made-to-order according to customer's requirements of any complexity and configuration (number of cells, the purpose of the cassette, the density of the material, the choice of raw materials, etc.).
For detailed information on the production of tapes to order, please contact us by phone: +38 044 207 53 06, mob.+38 067 156 07 98.

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