Agricultural technology crop production

Agricultural (synonym: technology in crop production) — system of methods of cultivation of cultural plants.
The task of farming is to provide high yields of cultivated plants with a minimum expenditure of labor and material and financial resources per unit of quality products.
Modern agricultural machinery is also aimed at maintaining soil fertility, protection of soil from erosion. Each agrotechnical reception and the whole system of agrotechnical methods of the field or culture needs to be soil moisture and Gumus sberegayuschimi.

This applies particularly to intensive technologies of cultivation of agricultural plants which are being actively introduced in modern farms.
Farming includes tillage, fertilization, preparation of seeds and planting material, sowing and planting, caring for crops and plantations, harvesting.
Agricultural techniques used for growing of cultural plants, due, on the one hand, their biological characteristics, and other soil and climatic conditions of the area of cultivation.


Contact Sirius agro plant


Сириус Агро Плант

Телефон: +38 099 439 21 11

Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


Удобрения Mivena (Мивена) купить в интернет-магазине «Sadovnikoff»