Mineral nutrition: strawberries – the Queen berries

Strawberries – the Queen berries

Large-fruited garden strawberries in everyday life is often called strawberry. But these plants belong to different Botanical species and differ in a number of ways.

  • Strawberry
— it is a dioecious plant, i.e. it flowers with stamens and pistils are on different plants, and strawberry in one. In addition, strawberries differ in fruit and in appearance the plant itself.
  • Strawberries
— usually small, with a particular strong scent, the leaves are paler and more strongly pubescent. The flower stalks of strawberries above the foliage and strawberries, on the contrary, below. Strawberry is not in production plants, occasionally found only at fans-gardeners.
  • The difference
— is that the number of chromosomes in strawberry three times more than strawberries!

Berries of wild strawberry man enjoyed since prehistoric times. Its seeds were found in Switzerland during the excavation of pile dwellings belonging to the stone age.

The ancient Greeks and Romans, the strawberry was known only in the wild species as a medicinal plant. They appreciated for excellent flavor and high taste of the dignity of fruit.

The ancient Romans, the strawberry was considered a symbol of sensuality. In Christianity, these berries symbolized the spirit, the icons of the saints, humility and obedience.

Strawberries were very popular and the tribes of Ancient Rus. In the national calendar of our ancestors on 9 July, the most favorable day for picking strawberries – Jagodnica, David a Strawberry. Farmers get up early in the morning, and while not gone Rosa went for berries in the forest. It was thought that strawberries, gathered in this day, has the useful properties and retains all the vitamins.

According to popular belief, strawberry leaves, hidden in a pocket, guaranteed the holder a cash addition. So when someone wanted to borrow money, he always took with him the leaves of the berry.

In the literature of the XIII century the first mention of the strawberries found in the writings of the Greek doctor Nicholas Siracusa. The first image of the strawberry plants found in the herbarium Mincom 1454, where it is described as medicinal plant. The beginning of strawberry culture refers to the XIV century In 1586 for strawberries was officially enshrined in Camerarius the name Fragaria is from the Latin word fragaris (fragrant).

The first time it started to breed in the gardens of southern France. Then spread the strawberries in the gardens of Northern France, England, Holland and other European countries. In the gardens grew wild strawberries. The strawberries were not the ancestor of the large-fruited varieties of strawberry, but it was small remontant (re-fruiting) forms and varieties of red and white berries, with a mustache and without them.

In the early seventeenth century in Europe were imported from America and introduced into cultivation virgin strawberry. After about a century (in 1712) to France from South America was imported Chilean strawberries which struck contemporaries extraordinary magnitude, sweetness and aroma of berries. Introduction to the culture of these two species has given impetus to the development of large-fruited strawberry in Europe.

Already in 1729 in Holland appeared first varieties of large-fruited strawberry, appeared, believed to be hybrids between the Chilean and virgin strawberry cultivars.

Special dawn of the strawberry in Europe has received in the XIX century, in connection with the mass advent of new improved varieties of large-fruited strawberry, bred by hybridization. In Russia, Regel E. brought more than 100 new varieties, working in St. Petersburg.

The don cherry came through the instructions of Peter I on the reproduction of this culture, so during your stay on the Azov he wanted to see this berry on my Desk, he also became the godfather of the proliferation of berries in the region.

Compared to other berry crops strawberry has a high capacity for rapid reproduction and early fruiting, yield and plasticity to the growing conditions so it is widespread in different climate zones. At present, there are over 3,000 varieties of the strawberry, which is grown on the plains and in mountain areas (Himalayas), in various latitudes from the South to tundra.

World leaders in strawberry production are China and the United States, they account for almost half of world output. Spain occupies the third position in the structure of world production of strawberries and it accounts for over 8% of the volume. Russia produces about 6%. The world's largest importer of fresh strawberries is France, its share was about 18%, Germany is in second place - 14% of world imports.

In Russia, the strawberry production ranks first among the fruit crops being highly profitable culture. In the structure of Russian market of strawberries, about 90% of strawberries are grown by households and the rest of the agricultural organizations and farms. From may to August, half of the market in Russia belongs to Russian manufacturers, in the winter of 80-100% of the market belongs to imported products.

The greatest number of industrial strawberries are grown in the Krasnodar Krai, Adygea Republic, other North Caucasus regions, and in Moscow and Leningrad regions.

Value. Market requirements

For their popularity among the people, the wide dissemination and use of berries, strawberry got the title of QUEEN berry crops.

Cherry - a valuable and beloved culture that causes pleasant associations connected with a lovely taste of berries, due to the harmonious combination of sugars and acids.

The strawberries are all valuable and berries, and leaves. Strawberry contains more than 6% Sugars (glucose, fructose and 1% sucrose), 2% organic acids (malic and citric).

Healing properties of strawberries provide bioactive substances – vitamins, minerals (high content of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium), glucosamine and herbal antibiotics.

Strawberries are rich in basically three vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C 115 mg%), P-active compounds (various forms of vitamin e) and folic acid (vitamin B9). Present in the berry also contains vitamins a, PP, K, B2. Of minerals strawberries are rich in manganese and cobalt, sufficient for the human body amount of iodine. In some varieties of strawberries, many of pectin.

To herbal antibiotics include tannins, anthocyanins and salicylic acid.

Actively vitaminiziruet weakened body in the early spring, being the first berry. Consumed fresh, frozen, used for preparation of compotes, preserves, jams, vitamin teas.

Positive therapeutic effects observed in hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis, in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, gout. The strawberries are useful for patients with diabetes.

Strawberries are the most precocious culture of coming in early in the greenhouse in early spring. The first camp in the southern latitudes begin producing in April. The harvesting lasts until mid-July, and everbearing and day neutral varieties until the autumn. The range of varieties allows you to schedule the removal of the crop in different dates, and berries of various taste can satisfy the tastes of customers. High demand for strawberries, with beautiful presentation, high density of berries and balanced taste. The berries are transported from southern regions to the North, so the berries must have a high transportability, while retaining all of the qualities during transportation.

To create an effective strawberry farming, you must consider all of the requirements of industrial cultivation of strawberries:

- High yield

- A high percentage of yield of marketable products

- Good presentation and long term storage to the sale and on the shelves

- Performance and easy cleaning

- The independence of the growing process of climate and weather conditions

Commercially grown strawberries are the most promising varieties capable of giving 2 kg or more with each plant, resistant to diseases and pests introduced in the production region.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 6828-89 "Strawberry fresh" to the first commodity class includes the berries that have the size at the largest transverse diameter of not less than 25 mm — for fresh consumption, the second is not less than 18 mm.

The nominal value of the state of the surface — absence of mechanical damages, traces of rotting. According to GOST 6928-89, the content of fruit with mechanical injuries in destinations I have a commercial grade should not exceed 5%, the second — 10%.

Strawberries are not stored for a long period of time due to biological differences. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 50520-93 "Strawberries. Manual cold storage" the strawberries are used for fresh consumption must be stored for more than 6 days at 0°C, used for processing not more than 8 days, and at 6°C the shelf life is reduced to 1 day.

AGROTEKHNIKA. The requirements of culture to growing conditions

Care of strawberry plants is in soil cultivation, fertilisation, maintaining an optimal density of trees, the protection of plants against adverse conditions, pests and diseases.

For growing strawberries suitable soil with a slightly acid reaction of pH 5.5-6.5; EC of 0.4 - 0.6.

The best soils are sandy loam, legalisatie (Chernozem, gray wooded, brown forest, brown, etc.).

Vysokopolskoye soil unsuitable for cultivation of strawberries (because of the rapid drying out in hot weather) and low nutrient supply.

Heavy soils are unsuitable due to insufficient amount of oxygen in the root zone.

For laying plantations of strawberries fit smooth, well-drained areas and areas with a slight slope.

For strawberries choose well-lit areas. In shaded areas it is poorly fruiting and growing.

Strawberry plant requires moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Excess moisture adversely affects productivity, lowers the immunity of plants to diseases and winter hardiness of plants.

For planting strawberries is not suitable for low areas where there is a high level of groundwater, flood prone areas, steep slopes, where the plants will suffer from moisture deficit.

A prerequisite for laying plantations is crop rotation: good precursors for strawberries are grain and legume-grass mixture. Not suitable as a precursor – solanaceous and cruciferous crops.

You should not grow strawberries in the same place for 3-4 years.

In the first year of life of strawberries care is aimed at creating optimal conditions to ensure high seedling survival rate, good growth, the laying of flower buds and overwintering plants. In subsequent years – to achieve high productivity and fruit quality.

Biological features

Strawberry is an evergreen perennial herb. The foliage has no clear moment of death, it happens all the time throughout the year.

The root system of vegetative origin with well-developed main and lateral roots. The roots of strawberries appear in the formation of rosettes, and then formed secondary roots. The main part of the roots is located in the topsoil, so the strawberries bad drought and has a high winter hardiness. Fibrous root system penetrates to a depth of 30-35 cm, separate the roots are able to penetrate up to 1 meter.

Strawberries demanding water-air regime. It does not tolerate excess moisture, but grows well in fairly moist soils. In plants older than 3 years of age begins to wither away part of the roots, so use landing a longer time is not recommended. The highest harvest of strawberries forms a 2-3 year old plants, the viability of the plant is 5-6 years.

Shoots shortened (horns). Increase stem axis originates from the upper lateral vegetative buds. On each growth of last year awakens from 1 to 3 buds. By narrowing the boundaries of annual growth can determine the age of individual shoots or the whole plant.

The future crop depends on the capacity of leaf mass, because in the axils of the leaves are fruit buds that will provide next year's crop. Well-developed shrub has 50 or more developed leaves.

From axillary buds of the Central zone of last year's growth grow creeping shoots, which represent the second type of modified shoots of strawberries. These shoots are usually referred to as a mustache or ground stolons. Mustache thin, with long internodes, can ramify. At the odd nodes, such whiskers normally are formed only scaly leaves, and even — rosettes consisting of leaves, buds and adventitious roots. In contact with the soil from the outlet formed a new subsidiary plant, whose connection with the mother is usually saved just before the end of the growing season. On the same axis develops three to five outlets, and one of the parent plant grows 10 or more whiskers. Therefore, one Bush can produce to fall up to 40-50 new plants.

Peduncle is formed of 5-6 berries, to implement the fit 4 berries (2 small). With a good harvest, the weight of the first berries, depending on variety, is the first two - 80-100 gr. the last three - 30-35 gr. Single stems will give 200 gr. berries. When the plant density per 1 ha of 60 thousand plants yield will amount to 12 tons in the presence of one of the stems and the optimal growth conditions.

Most varieties on the plant is 4-12 stems with 4-10 flowers.

For normal flowering plants need a dormant period at a temperature of 0-5°C for at least 20-30 days.

Strawberry fruit - mnogooreshek. The edible part is a greatly expanded, colored, juicy, fleshy, sweet receptacle, the surface of which, usually in hollows located nuts, formed from the ovaries of pistils.

The type of fruiting strawberries is divided into:

- varieties of short day fruit once during the growing season

- remontant varieties - bookmark flowers occurs under long-day conditions, bear fruit twice: in the summer, and then autumn.

- neutral varieties – the formation of flowers occurs regardless of the length of the day, fruit without interruption until frost.

After the harvest comes the second wave of the growth of leaves. At the same time there is a planting of fruit buds and increased growth of whiskers.

Bookmark and differentiation of generative buds begin in the year prior to fruiting, and end in the autumn of the same year or next spring (depending on variety). Processes successfully occur in 10-12-hour days, low (not higher than 12°C) temperatures and soil moisture of 70-75%. During this period, plants are very sensitive to moisture deficiency in the soil. The critical temperature for the flowers and ovaries or minus 1.5°C.

The strawberry is not explicit leaf, part of leaf leaves in the winter in a green condition and under favorable overwintering in the spring continues to function. On the stem persist for a long time the dried bottom of the stems.

With age, the total number of cones, leaves and stems of strawberries is gradually increasing. However, due to the death of the old roots, and also due to partial or complete cessation of the rooting of young shoots of the growth of the root system is suspended and may even begin reducing its size. Violation of the balance between aerial and root systems leads to aging and thus weakening the growth of plants. At the same some time there is no noticeable reduction in yield, but the berries are much smaller, which leads to a sharp increase in the cost of labor at harvest and reduced product qualities.

The duration of the industrial cultivation of strawberries – 3-4 years.

Balanced diet – the basis of ecologically pure berries

The potential productivity of strawberries is very high: open ground - 25 t/ha (level I – 65%), open ground on the substrate 35 t/ha (class I – 80%), indoor soil – 60-70 t/ha.

Base dressing prior to planting is an average - P80 K50 Mg50, which adapts to local conditions. The exact amount of fertilizer is calculated according to the results of agrochemical analysis of the soil subject to the availability of soil available nutrients, and mechanical composition of the soil and the planned level of productivity.

The removal of nutrients by strawberry plants for 1 ton of products (including leaves and roots), kg:

Nutrients strawberries absorbs throughout the growing season. But there are several critical periods in nutrition.

The first is the resumption of the growing season after overwintering.

Second – budding, when the differentiation of the organs of the flower.

The third division, and cell growth berries.

Fourth – bookmark flower buds (summer and autumn).

During these periods plants are most sensitive to the imbalance of nutrition elements, various stress factors. Maximum nutrient uptake by plants occurs at the stage of flowering and fruiting.

To obtain high productivity of strawberry, mineral nutrition should promote the maximum fulfillment of all the physiological tasks of each organ of plants.

Due to the close structural and functional interaction of vegetative organs — root, stem and leaf are all manifestations of the life of the plant as a whole organism: absorption of water and minerals from the soil, phototrophic nutrition, respiration, growth and development, vegetative reproduction, and fruiting. Continuity of functions of each body shall have a balanced diet.

The use of quality fertilizers with high purity and balanced composition, selection of fertilizers based on plant and soil diagnostics in specific soil and climatic conditions of the economy allows to achieve high yields and quality products, ensuring the profitability of strawberry production.

Strong plants less susceptible to diseases and pests, which reduces the pesticide load on crops, exerting a positive effect on the quality of the crop. Balanced mineral nutrition is the basis of ecologically pure berries.

This guide to the mineral nutrition of strawberries is not a scientific work. It is based on the experience of domestic and foreign crop production. The aim of this publication is to bring to the present owner of the land the possibilities of modern systems of power and recognized methods of increasing the yield.

Importance of food elements

Important! Among all mineral fertilizers nitrogen are the most dangerous in overdose: excessive nitrogen leads to increase in diseases, decrease in color intensity, the deterioration of the taste and the keeping quality of the fruits, accumulates in the fruits in the form of nitrates and nitrites that are harmful to human health.

Nitrates accumulate in plants not only when an excess of nitrogen, but also at deficiency of molybdenum and iron, the recovery of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-) to ammonium (NH4+).

Potassium and calcium reduce the intake of excessive amounts of nitrogen to plants, increase the strength of cell walls, increased the accumulation of dry matter and sugars – increase resistance to diseases and pests, improvement of the transportability and keeping quality of the fruit.

Stress is the imbalance of mineral nutrition

The potential productivity of strawberry – 60 t/ha, but in practice it is not always possible to obtain such yields. One of the major obstacles – the influence of growing conditions, which often create stress for plants and limit the growth of productivity.

How stress affects the productivity of plants?

1. Disturbed hormonal balance.

Hormones govern all biochemical processes. They determine which products (substances) to produce, their quantity and direction of movement (what parts will grow roots, shoots, or fruits).

The main hormones affecting the growth and development of plants:

•Auxin is produced in the growing point of the shoot, affects the movement of products of photosynthesis (PF) via the phloem, stimulating the development of either roots or fruits.

•Cytokinin – formed in the growing point of roots, increases the growth of vegetative parts of plants, extends the viability of (young) plants.

•Gibberellin – determines the amount of PF, moved in a cage. Affects the growth of cells and their sizes.

•Abscisic acid – overload of PF cells in the new cells.

•Ethylene (hormone age) – enhances the activity of each hormone which is dominant in the cell, stimulates the flowering and the ripening of fruits, when exposed to stress factors - contributes to the completion of vegetative growth, accelerate ripening, reduce crop yields and product quality.

2. Change of physiological-biochemical processes in cells (a decreased production of the products of photosynthesis, the energy for chemical transformations).

3. Collapse of cell organelles (chloroplasts, mitochondria) accumulate toxic breakdown products (ammonia, etc.), causing the acidification of the pH of cell SAP and reduction of resistance to diseases and pests.

4. Dying leaves and roots, forming a low yield, loss of product quality.

When severe and prolonged stress may be plant death.

Depending on the period of exposure to the stress factor and duration reduces the potential productivity of plants – from 3 to 100%.

The availability of nutrients in the soil

Gross stocks of nutrients in the soil are determined by its origin and depend on the mineralogical composition of the parent rock, leaching regime, vegetation, activity of microorganisms, as well as the use of fertilizers and agricultural technology of cultivation of field crops.

The availability of nutrients to plants is determined by the content of soluble forms of nutrients.

Factors influencing the availability of elements for plant nutrition:

1. The reaction of soil solution

The reduced availability of elements in a specific reaction of the soil solution: the formation of insoluble compounds that decrease or increase the mobility of the elements (slow movement or leaching), increased competition with other ions.

2. The interaction of food elements

The ratio (balance) of nutrients in the soil solution affects the consumption of their plants. An excess of one element causes or increased absorption of the other (synergism) or decrease (antagonism).

For example, excess nitrogen in the soil causes the deficiency of potassium for plant nutrition, excess calcium, deficiency in phosphorus, magnesium, the excess sulfur interferes with the absorption of molybdenum. Examples of synergism of ions is due to the CA -, P-Cu, Fe-Mn etc.

3. Soil moisture

With increasing soil moisture is released from the crystal lattice of minerals increases the availability of Mn, Al, Fe, because of the transfer of items from a divalent to a trivalent state. When water deficit occur in reverse. Especially the strawberry suffers from a lack of Mn in drought conditions.

The reduced availability of nutrients in the soil due to binding to insoluble or trudnosmyvaemye forms of competitive relations of ions, the reduced mobility of the power supply elements reduce the efficiency of basic fertilizers, the violation of physiological reactions, imbalance of hormones and reduced productivity of plants.

Correction: the Application of fertilizer according to the results of agrochemical soil analysis. Application foliar application - the results of functional diagnostics.

The high acidity of the soil

Soil acidity is determined by the levels of hydrogen ions (pH). Depends on the mineralogical composition of the soil, using mineral and organic fertilizers, buffermode of the soil (resistance to change of reaction of the soil solution). Affects the availability of elements for plant nutrition. The optimum acidity for the cultivation of strawberries – pH 5.5-6.5.

The deoxidation of the soil and enhances the supply to plants of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, molybdenum, reduces the content of harmful for plants of an excess of iron, aluminum, manganese, and in addition, a positive effect on the microflora of the soil, retaining soil nitrogen.

For the timely establishment of the high acidity of the soil before planting is carried out in the agrochemical analysis of the soil, during the growing season requires regular monitoring of pH, especially when introducing a physiologically acid fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, etc.).

Correction: the Introduction of calcium-containing fertilizers under the main processing of the soil (chemical reclamation), the introduction of Calcium nitrate for root feeding (Nitrabor, Tropico – 100-200 kg/ha, Calicinet – with drip irrigation), foliar application on diagnosis of plant – "Nutrivant Plus", 2-6 kg/ha, Atlanta, 1,0-2,0 l/ha, Mix Celcat Calcium, 0.5 kg/ha, Celik Sa, 0.5 l/ha.


Saline soil is a soil with a high (over 2.5%) content of easily soluble mineral salts.

Is called salinization of many factors: the use of too large doses of mineral and organic fertilizers, irrigation water with high salinity, closure of irrigation and groundwater irrigation with uncontrolled creates capillary rise of salts to the surface and salinization of the root zone of the soil.

It is important to promptly and accurately determine the salinity, as visual symptoms are similar to a deficiency of potassium or calcium, damage of roots by pests or diseases.

The introduction of additional quantities of fertilizers at the root in such a situation will increase salt stress and negative consequences.

Therefore, the cultivation of the strawberry monitoring of salinity of soil and irrigation water should be permanent.

Correction: foliar application Aminobut the 10%, 0.5 l/ha, Mix Celcat Calcium, 0.5 kg/ha, Kelik K-Si, 1,0 l/ha, Celik To 1.0 l/ha, Atlanta, 1,0 l/ha.

Temperature stress

The ambient temperature of soil and air has a significant influence on the physiological processes of plants. It determines the viscosity of the cell SAP, the activity of enzymes speed biochemical reactions and movement of nutrients, water consumption, etc. the Optimum level of temperature for all biochemical processes of 10-25°C. higher or lower temperature to the critical level reduces the level of biochemical processes that inhibit the process of photosynthesis, nutrient intake from the soil and dry matter accumulation. The plant in this period, trying to adapt to new conditions and directs nutrients are not growth and development, and adaptation to stress conditions: the synthesis of stress proteins, generation of amino acids, phytoalexins and other protective substances. Plants become susceptible to defeat diseases and pests. The longer the plant is exposed to stress factors, the more reduced the genetic potential of efficiency of plants.

Upon the occurrence of the critical positive and negative temperatures in the cells of the irreversible processes that lead to their death, as expressed in the manifestation of necrosis of tissues and death of the plants.

Soil temperature has a direct effect on the activity of the root system, absorption of food elements, plays an important role in biological and chemical processes that determine the direction and rate of conversion of nutrients in the soil.

Amplification of microorganisms, the use of nitrogen and phosphorus increases with increasing soil temperature. The admission into the plants of nitrogen and phosphorus when the soil temperature is 5°With almost 3 times less than at 20°C.

When the temperature of the soil reduces the intensity of admission to the plant food elements in the following order:

The assimilation of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) can occur at lower temperatures than nitrate (NO3-). The consumption of phosphite (Н2РО3-) is possible at temperatures, when phosphate (PO4-) is not absorbed.

The widespread use of fertilizers and control of pests and plant diseases causes the necessity of considering soil temperature for their most effective use.

Negative temperature

Correction: improve the frost resistance of plants contribute to foliar application during the growing season – "Nutrivant Plus", 2-3 kg/ha, Atlanta, 1,0 l/ha, To Celic,1,0 l/ha, Celik K+Si, 1.0 l/ha, Celik Mo, 0.2 l/ha according to the results of diagnostics of plants.

Foliar application after harvest before the end of the growing season "Nutrivant Plus" (0-36-24 + 2,0 Mg + B 2,0 + 1,0 Mn + Pertinent), 3-5 kg/ha or Atlanta, 2.0 l/ha increases the hardiness and energy of fruit buds.

High temperature

Correction: foliar application Celik Sa, 0.5 l/ha, Celik To 1.0 l/ha, Kelik K-Si, 1.0 l/ha.

Moisture deficit

Strawberries demanding to moisture, as its root system develops in the upper soil layers (15-20 cm). Particularly sensitive to soil moisture in the period of setting and growth of fruits, and also after fruiting, when laid inflorescence next year.

The imbalance between the consumption of water by roots and water loss while breathing is the cause of the wilting of plants. During drought strawberries protects itself from water loss by closing stomata (open pores on the leaf surface). The closure of the pores also stops or slows down the flow of water within the plant, reducing the consumption of batteries. A reduction in the consumption of nutrients by the plant there is a deficiency - the "hidden hunger".

The imbalance of nutrients (excess nitrogen, a deficiency of phosphorus, potassium and microelements B, Mn, Zn, Cu) reduces the drought resistance of plants.

Correction: Root feeding of Calcium nitrate, 100-200 kg/ha.

Foliar application – Kelik K-Si, 1,0 l/ha, Linocut, 0.5 l/ha, Celik Sa, 0.5 l/ha to include in the power supply system to increase water-holding capacity of tissues, restoration of hormonal balance, maintenance of photosynthesis.


Strawberry does not tolerate excessive moisture. The reason is that at the same time with the moisture the plants need and continuous access of air to the roots. Waterlogging prevents the development of the root system old roots die, new remain underdeveloped. In the spring the high humidity leads to excessive leaf growth at the expense of formation of fruiting bodies, and in the fall causes a prolonged increase, weakening the hardiness of the culture.

Excess moisture in the soil increases the mobility of manganese and iron (to toxic levels), deteriorating soil structure – clay soil swim, there is a soil crust after drying, the leached nitrate nitrogen from the root layer.

Correction: we recommend the use of fertilizers containing cytokinins in its composition Aminobut the 10%, 0.5 l/ha, Rajkot Development, 0,5 l/ha, Razorman, 0.3-0.5 l/ha, for prevention of root rot - Atlanta, 0,5-1,0 l/ha, Atlanta Plus 0.5-1.0 l/ha.

Herbicidal stress

Damage to strawberry herbicides - a fairly common problem, especially on light soils. The causes of most injuries are of too high a dose on light soils, untimely treatment, non-calibrated sprayer and weak plants due to the adverse conditions. Any factor that cause damage to crops (pests, cold damage, the roots of uncovered soil, as a result of erosion, improper doses of fertilizers, podmoscowie spots on the field, etc.), leads to increased sensitivity to drugs.

Young trees are particularly susceptible to herbicides. Resistance increases by the end of summer. Strawberries growing on soils with low organic matter content, are most susceptible to damage by herbicides. In this connection it is necessary to lower the standards of any drugs.

Strawberries can be damaged by the residual amount of the drug used for treatments of the previous crop turnover. Some herbicides can harm the strawberries in two or more years after application.

Correction: foliar application Aminobut the 10% or 30%, 0.5 l/ha, Rajkot Development, 0,5 l/ha, Razorman,0,5 l/ha. according to the results of functional diagnostics of plants.


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