Manual on the cultivation of hazelnuts.

Manual on the cultivation of hazelnuts.
Hazels hazelnuts have great importance for the southern part of Chile and represent the key to the development of the regions of La Araucania, Los Rios and Los Lagos, are an alternative and complement to traditional sectors of agriculture such as growing annual crops, livestock and milk production (these last two are problems of profitability in recent seasons). Interest in hazelnut cultivation in the southern zone is reinforced by the increase in the area. In three regions, mentioned above, was planted about 13 thousand hectares. Most gardens are in the preparation stage of fruiting (1 to 4 years) and a small percentage at the stage of production of nuts, before reaching its maximum level of productivity, which occurs between the ninth and tenth year. Chile is among the leading countries in the world for growing hazelnuts.
Planting material
The main popular varieties are the Barcelona of the Chilean (70%) and Tonda di Giffoni(30%) by pollinators. In the case of Barcelona, the main varieties-pollinators are the Blanco, Azul, Rojo, Daviana, Butler, and Tonda di Giffoni mainly Barcelona and Casina. the main method of breeding - "in the butt". Seedlings wiradinata in different PITOMNIK Central and southern regions of the country, with excellent results in feed rate and quality of plants.
Other methods of reproduction, as budding, for example, were not widely distributed. In the near future alternative might be microcannulae (in-vitro), in particular, for the dissemination of new varieties and their rapid introduction into production in the country. However, in industrial scale this method. is not used in Chile. This, in particular, due to some problems arising in the course of the process, for example, difficulties in obtaining cultures from explants of Mature trees, particularly through the emissions of phenolic compounds, pollution, low velocity, low percentage of rooting.
In General, all plantations have a density of on average 400-500 trees per hectare, with systems of growing mono - or multi - varietal planting. Mainly mono - used for varieties of Barcelona, which has a great strength growth. Recently gardens were established with higher density (667-800 plants per hectare), with the title “intensive” and the planting scheme 5 x 3 m and 5 x 2 m, in order to accelerate entry into production and increase yields per unit area during the first 8-10 years, while plants do not create excessive shade and excessive competition among themselves.
In regard to varieties most spread variety is Barcelona, because it presents an excellent adaptability in different agro-ecological conditions of the territory of Chile and is cultivated in both Central and southern regions of the country, and also gives good yields (3000 kg/ha). However, the output of grain is only 39-40%. Barcelona Chilean is a material which is not uniformity, displays some variability varietal characteristics of the fruit that mainly concerns size.
The second most important variety for the hazelnut industry in Chile - this Italian variety Tonda di Giffoni, which greatly increased the acreage in recent seasons due to the high quality of the fruit. Has an average power of growth and good performance (2.000 - 3.000 kg/ha), as well as the best way out of the grain when cleaning - 45-47%. Highly prized in the chocolate industry - average size of seeds (14 mm) and their organoleptic properties. Another put into production by Italian variety Tonda Gentile delle Langhe (TGDL) is also popular in Chile, although he has a very short flowering period, which affects the pollination of hazelnuts. In the center, and in some areas in the South, the yield is acceptable, but the variety is very sensitive to water stress and solar insolation. Thanks to its excellent characteristics of the fruit in Chile, this variety reaches higher prices than others.
The choice of the landing site.
To get the fruit of the hazelnut of high quality is necessary to take into account climatic and soil conditions of the plantation. When all these factors are favorable conditions, trees can Express your optimum production potential. In the recent past, first the gardens of hazel, due to the lack of information, many mistakes had been made. In many cases, selected varieties and pollinators are not suited to the conditions of the surrounding area.
Requirements in the cold, usually measured by the sum of temperatures in the range from 0 to 7°C. it is Important to establish the suitability of varieties for cultivation. Various organs (catkins, buds, fruit and vegetative buds) are distinguished by different requirements to the cold.
Excessive wind can cause damage to the trees and adversely affect vegetative growth and yield gardens. However, in the flowering process for seregon (release of pollen) suitable light breeze, in order to facilitate the transportation of the pollen in the direction of the stigmata of the female flowers. On the other hand, the hot winds increase evapotranspiration and cause dehydration of the leaf surface. Thus, in areas that have frequent strong winds, it is recommended that the establishment of windbreaks, whether they are natural or artificial. It is worth noting that this band can protect a distance equal to approximately 4 level height.
Light is a key factor for photosynthesis and therefore for the various functions of the tree. In particular, acting together with other factors on the development of the fruit. In addition, it has a great influence on the formation of the rudiments of the fruit. The absence of light, along with the low temperature, causes a decrease in the number of rudiments of the fruit. On the contrary, increase in temperature, within certain limits, promotes the fruit set and the formation of hazelnuts.
Soil is one of the factors that affect the growth and productivity of trees, especially plays an important role in nutrition for them and at the same time acts as a support. The modern cultivation of hazel for the rapid development of plants in the early years in the garden it is best to implement on soils of medium of texturing, with good permeability, avoiding layered soils with poor infiltration of individual horizons or the entire profile. The texture is very heavy (clay soils) or the presence of a waterproof layer in the soil, can lead to asphyxia in the roots due to the presence of low oxygen levels. Permeability determines the movement of water in the soil, and therefore affects the oxygen availability at the level of the root zone.
The planting density.
Density of planting should consider the following factors: the force of growth of varieties, soil fertility, weather conditions, system of formation, availability of light, movement, equipment, systems of harvesting, and others.
Among the main factors are:
• Varieties: do not use a lower density and larger spacing for varieties with a lower strength growth (Tonda Romana, Tonda Gentile delle Lanche, Trebizonda, Tombul, Tonda di Giffoni).
• Soil fertility: a lower density and large distances, planting in more fertile soils. This is a factor that is of great value to the future productive life of the trees.
The scheme of planting.
Means the distance that will be between the trees after planting. You should give preference to the rectangular shape of the landing as it has the following advantages:
• Maximum use of the soil
• The greatest convenience for the execution of works in the garden
• Availability in only one direction
Feeding are the determining factor for correct development of the trees after planting and later during the production stage of nuts. The growth of plants and their productivity depends on the level of availability of nutrients in the soil. Proper fertilization of walnut trees should consider soil type, weather conditions and nutritional requirements of trees in macro-and microelements that plants take from the soil to achieve adequate vegetative growth and tying a specified number of nuts of good quality.
When the fertilizer is necessary to consider the following objectives:
• Meet the nutritional needs of trees.
• To maintain the correct balance between vegetative and productive activity.
• Limit the maximum cost of fertilizing.
• Reduced risk of losses from leaching, and therefore the costs and environmental impact.
Extraction of nutrients from the soil depends on the tree age, planting density, year, place, and yield load. In this regard, for the proper fertilizer needed background information (data) according to the soil analysis. Before planting it is recommended to conduct physical and chemical soil analysis. These data have an impact on soil compaction, aeration, which affects the digestibility of fertilizers and, accordingly, the development of the root and aerial parts of the tree.
Sheet feeding.
In hazel application of fertilizers through the leaves is an interesting alternative to the main dressing as macro-and micronutrients, in the presence of manifestations of stress, quickly entered the plant and , therefore, quickly begin to act. When abnormal conditions occur problems with the absorption of nutrition elements by root system (example: in soils with poor aeration, heavy and cold).
Fruit trees are very sensitive to conditions of water stress. Walnut is very sensitive to lack of water. Trees in conditions of water stress reduces the efficiency of the leaves, which negatively affects the growth, structure formation, the yield of a plant and some characteristics of the fetus (reduction in the yield of grain when cleaning).
Water stress causes premature falling of fruits. In the annual cycle are most sensitive to water shortage months of December and January. In this regard, we need sufficient water availability to mitigate competition between the various organs of the tree.
Knowledge of the requirements of hazelnut trees to the water and physiological response, as the excess and deficiency at each step, it is very important for proper programming of water depending on crop and fruit quality.
System forming.
In the first years of garden creation, pruning and shaping of trees should serve to optimally prepare trees for subsequent podnoszenia and their development depending on different agro-ecological and agronomic conditions. Thus, pruning aims to “prepare " the wood, holding it at a certain height depending on soil fertility and system forming. This type of pruning is essential to the preservation of the balance of future trees, and to simplify future scrap for Mature trees. In addition, this work contributes to the lighting and aeration of the tops of the trees. It should be emphasized that the rational formation of hazelnut trees requires prior knowledge of physiology, biology of plants, habits, growth, fruiting and strength grade.
The impact of cropping on young trees.
When pruning young trees it is necessary to consider the following aspects:
• Ensuring a balance between vegetative growth and the reproductive system of plants, with the aim “to reduce” as soon as possible unproductive phase.
• The achievement of a productive formation of the skeleton of the tree, and not only in the physiological sense, but also quantitative and qualitative, ie economic.
The design of the frame should be placed on obtaining the maximum photosynthetic area with a smaller skeleton. The tree should be well clarified and at the same time, have a robust skeleton, able to withstand in the future the high yield load.
This work allows you to:
• To ensure the formation of necessary tree structure, in connection with its own development potential.
• Improve and regulate the production, produce high quality fruit.
• Maintain a balance between fruiting and growth.
• To maintain a good balance between the root zone and the aboveground part of the tree, regulating the growth of plants.
• To promote the formation and development of fruit buds, remove, misplaced and diseased kidneys.
• To facilitate the entry of light inside the top of the tree to achieve high productivity and quality of nuts.
• Facilitation of harvesting and other operations, including procedures for prevention from pests and diseases.
Withthe system forming a tree.
Pruning is necessary to ensure balance in the future and, in addition, facilitate the inflow of light and aeration inside the crown of the tree. As mentioned above, this is done during the first few years of various systems forming trees: bowl, Palmetta, fruit wall with distances of 5.0-6.0 m between rows and 2,0-4,0 m between trees in the row (1.400-2.000 plants / ha).
With systems forming and spacing between trees when planting the most appropriate and effective from the standpoint of agronomic and economic time there is a discussion, as there are opinions, matching between producers and researchers. Basic forming, the most commonly used in major countries-producers of hazelnuts in the world is a bowl.

Boris Karabanov, FKH "Agrovest-2012", a member of the SAP, Ukraine

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