Flexible, stretchy tanks under HCS and KAS - 50 cubic meters

Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб

Flexible, stretchy tanks (pillow) TM FlexTank is mobile, economical solution for the storage and transportation of almost any substances in the liquid state (water drinking, mineral fertilizers, fuel and lubricants, waste from chemical production, waste water, drilling muds, sludges, etc.), life support remote residential areas, industries, airfields, military units, places of deployment, as well as the most practical and economical solution of problems in combating the effects of natural disasters and destruction (water-filled dams, air pillow, inflatable tube, and expansion joints.

The main advantages of flexible tanks before any other tanks for storing liquids, can be the following:

1. The mobility of tanks (with a large load capacity, minimum weight and dimensions in the empty condition, does not require large equipment for shipment to the facility);

2. The practicality of tanks (simple and quick installation, not requiring a huge workforce, the possibility of multiple use);

3. The versatility of the tanks suitable for all liquids, extreme climatic conditions, does not require preparation of the Foundation, application is possible in inaccessible places on uneven surfaces);

4. The strength of the tanks (strength PVC membrane rupture from 2800Н/50mm, filled the tank, you can drive a car, SUV, tractor and even a tank);

5. EFFICIENCY - with a small initial investment (relative to the same volume, metal, plastic or concrete tanks), significant savings in logistics, as well as the absence of construction works and, accordingly, any permits approvals, and mountains of documents on them, and the virtually free storage folded (due to the minimum dimensions) - SAVING IS about 70%
Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб 0Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб 1Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб 2Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб 3Гибкие, эластичные резервуары под ЖКУ и КАС - 50 м.куб 4
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Sirius agro plant - Mivena

Mivena – всемирно известный голландский производитель, выпускающий высококачественные удобрения контролируемого выделения (CRF) для растений.


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Не сказал бы, что исчерпывающе. Есть еще такие хво...
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